15 inspirational women who travelled solo

If there’s one thing we hate at Flash Pack HQ, it’s the stereotypes that surround single women. That and when the Sandwich Man is late for lunch, but that’s less important…
The image of single women in their 30s and 40s as an army of Bridget Jones’ crying into their ice-cream and scrolling through dating sites is simply not OK.
According to a recent study by Innovation Group, we are entering the Age of the Single Lady. This means independent female adulthood is fast becoming a new lifestyle CHOICE. One that sees women shifting away from traditional conventions and instead choosing to climb career ranks, become savvy travellers and do the things they’ve always dreamt of doing, regardless of their relationship status.
A huge number of our Flashpackers are single, adventure-seeking women who want to explore the world. We asked them what they think is the best thing about being a single traveller in their 30s and 40s, and here are their awesome responses:
Amy, Morocco 2016
‘I didn’t travel solo until I was well into my 30s. Adventure is better when you can leave all judgements, preconceptions and ego behind and immerse yourself in your being, your mindfulness and your surroundings. I simply didn’t know how to do that when I was younger but I have learned that life is amazing when you learn to let go of all the f*cks!.
Travel. Grow. You deserve this adventure. Be the woman you would want our daughters to aspire to be.’
Natalie, Myanmar 2016
‘I think the best thing about solo travel in your 30s and 40s is that you really appreciate the magic that the world has to offer. Life is no longer about drinking and lay-ins, it’s about the moments that make your heart beat faster; the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that you can fully grasp and enjoy.
My advice to any woman thinking about partaking in a group tour would be – just do it! Life is all about experiences and it really is too short – just grasp the opportunity and enjoy!’
RELATED: Find People in Their 30s and 40s to Travel With
Jenni, Vietnam & Cambodia 2017
‘The best things about being a lone traveller at 30 are: Reconnecting with your younger self after having forged a life and career over the last decade. Discovering new destinations, people and experiences with 30 years of life experience under your belt.
For anyone considering going on a tour as a single female, I cannot recommend it enough. Dropping out of the rat race and travelling as a lone 30 year old was the best decision I ever made, I felt liberated from the day-to-day grind of working life and met some amazing people. I believe that the skills and confidence gained by a decade of working really contributed to and meant that I could enjoy the best experience of my life. I felt independent and safe throughout the trip and now I feel like I have reconnected with my younger fun self. I have returned with a newfound excitement and vigour for life!’
Victoria, Myamnar 2017
‘What to do when life doesn’t quite turn out the way you had imagined? And when you’ve exhausted the restorative properties of a good book? Believe in yourself. Push out of your comfort zone and create new memories. Nobody else is going to make them for you. But on a group tour you’ll have new friends to share them with. Travel in your 30s brings perspective; it forces you to look outwards and forwards, not inwards and backwards. It is not an indulgence; you have earned it. And in a quiet moment somewhere incredible, with the sun on your face, you’ll wonder why you ever hesitated’
Read more: Solo travel gets rid of a major stressor
Ariella, Sri Lanka 2016
‘Our 30s and 40s are ripe decades for solo travel because we are young enough to kick a*se and wise enough to do it authentically. It is insanely satisfying to present the rawest version of ourselves for the whole world to see.
As Vicki Corona once wrote, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away“. Grab this life with both hands and discover the best version of yourself, so you have many moments to share and inspire other women to do the same.’
Abi, Peru 2016
‘The best thing about being a solo traveller in your 30s is taking time away from the zillion demands of everyday life and doing something entirely for you. I found it so liberating – it really is never too late to expand your horizons. My advice to anyone considering it is, even if it feels a bit out of your comfort zone, book it now! I can guarantee you won’t regret it.
Climbing Rainbow Mountain was genuinely one of the most memorable experiences of my life. A combination of the steep incline and the punishing altitude was a real test of my physical limits but it was undoubtedly the highlight of the trip for me. Being alone amongst breathtaking scenery focusing only on getting to the top gave me a huge sense of perspective and achievement. It was also great altitude training for the Great Ethiopian Run which I’m running in November!’
Daniella, Iceland 2016
‘The best thing about travelling on my own is the sense of freedom and independence. It’s amazing what exploring a country can do to your confidence, I always find it as a detox and at the end I feel as if I’ve truly found “myself”.
I would strongly recommend to all the lovely girls out there to bite the bullet and go somewhere by themselves, that sense of freedom and independence is the best feeling ever. I too was scared on my first trip, but once I landed and arrived at the hotel the fear had gone and I was just so eager to go out there and explore the country. It’s a must do once in your life!’
Laura, Croatia 2016
‘The best thing about being a solo traveller is getting to experience new places and adventures, on your own terms and meeting some brilliant like minded people along the way! I’ve made many more fab friends on solo tours which is definitely a bonus!’
Jackie, Spain 2016
‘The best thing about being a solo traveller in your 30s and 40s is being able to see and appreciate the world, its people and its cultures through experienced eyes…and to know that being there…and seeing these things… is the most liberating thing in the world, for our wisdom continues to grow even further from such encounters – re-affirming our sense of wonder about the world!
Kara, Vietnam & Cambodia 2016
‘I’ll admit it: I felt a little bit guilty about leaving behind my job responsibilities and loved ones when I booked my first two-week-long Flash Pack trip. But I learned how freeing it is to discover that there’s a whole world out there that doesn’t revolve around me!’
Lisa, Croatia 2016
‘The best thing about being a solo traveler in your 30s and 40s is you get to keep experiencing new things, to be in amazing places with interesting people. And best of all with group tours, someone else organises everything for you!
(And I chose Flash Pack for the small-group, adventure aspects. No thanks to coach-bus tours with 30 people!)’
Ijeoma, Cuba 2016
‘The best thing about travelling solo is the opportunity to see the world through lenses not coloured by anyone else’s experiences or expectations, to become comfortable with discomfort and fully embrace it and also the realisation that strangers are friends that you haven’t been introduced to, yet.
There are quite a few misconceptions about solo travelling especially as a female but you know what? That’s life; you don’t have to be super rich to enjoy the little things and there’s crime and danger everywhere (even at home) so just go for it! Take small steps… join a Flash Pack tour… there’s a big world out there waiting for you. Go!’
Lucy, Spain 2016
The best thing about travelling solo in your 30s and 40s? Walking into departures on the first day of your tour not knowing who you might meet or what exciting adventures you have ahead of you but absolutely knowing that your life will be different when you return! Just do it…. I guarantee it will be the first of many that you do!
Jennifer, Iceland 2016
‘The best thing about being a solo traveler is having the freedom to travel when and where you want. The people you meet along the way become friends for a lifetime!!!’
Kirsteen, Peru & Bolivia 2016
‘You get to make the most of your hard earned holiday by spending it in amazing places with great people! I was hesitant about a group tour but would recommend it to anyone considering it! Just because all your friends have settled down etc doesn’t mean that you have to!’
Ready to have an adventure of your own? Check out our Flash Pack adventure group tours